Jazmin Mac

Why I love Summer

I am so glad the weekend is finally here. This week went by fast, but I am glad it is gone.


Recently, I was having a conversation with a friend and she said that, she is so glad the weekend is here. Thinking of how fast this week went by, make me think, we are almost halfway through summer. Soon it will be getting chilly and I will be counting down until next summer. OMG having this thought made me so sad, I am always so sad to see summer go. I just want to hold on to it forever!


If I could hold on to summer forever I would love:

1. To have the sun beam down on my skin, making me feel warm.

2. To spend every moment outside, just because you can.

3. Take long walks when the sun starts going down.

4. Having long days.

5. Wearing outfits that are always comfortable (in the winter I always feel like I have to put on more clothes).

What are your favorite things about summer? What will you miss most when the weather gets cooler?

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