Well hello, there sunshine.
Today instead of talking about fun fashion items and styling cute outfits, I wanted to say to you, you are amazing. Point, blank, period, you are amazing. Over the past couple of years, I have developed this way of thinking, constantly reminding myself (and those around me) I don’t have to have a reason to make a certain decisions, or justify why I want to do something. For example, if there is a really cute sweater that I want, I don’t have to justify why I should allow myself to purchase it. Typically, in my head, I would say, “well I already have a sweater that I love in a similar color. I shouldn’t get this one too because they are too close.” Now I just tell myself, “I like it and that is enough.” If it is similar that’s okay because they are not exactly the same. I don’t need a reason to buy the sweater that I obviously want. Feel me?
Here’s why I think you’re amazing. Simply because you are you. How boring would the world be if we all acted the same way? Variety is the spice of life, I love sitting in a populated area and just watch all the different people live their lives. Each person is so different in their own way and that is beautiful. The amazing Dr. Suess once said “today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” This is actually one of my favorite quotes.
If you enjoy inspirational things and like to share those things with the world, you may enjoy this clothing line I have fallen love with. It’s Beacon Threads, they are a Christian clothing company specializing in t-shirts. If you see anything you like, they have given my readers 20% off if you use JAZMINMAC at checkout.
I would love it if you left me a comment below, sharing your favorite quote.
Shirt: Beacon Threads ~ Blazer: Consignment similar here ~ Pants: Express similar here