Jazmin Mac

My Hair Wash Routine

img_8609Recently, I was having a conversation with a friend about how it takes us a while to master our hair care routine. I have a wash schedule that i’ve perfected over the years, however I am not stuck on any sort of product. 

My mom is a product junkie and when she is over something, she just gives it to me and I make it work. I do like some products over others but as long as I have my staples that usually gets me my desired results. 

Here is the schedule: 
Co-wash (cleansing my hair with conditioner) once a week. This allows me to rinse and re-twist my hair for a fresh look. 
Cleanse- I cleanse my hair with shampoo once a month (usually around the 15th). 
Deep Condition- I deep condition once a month after I shampoo. 

Twist out Staples (in order of use)
Oil -my favorite is Jojoba oil, but I really just use what I have on hand
Cream Base- I’ve used leave in conditioner, regular conditioner, curling putty. Anything works but this is my favorite
Gel- I have naturally big hair and I need gel! I’ve tried moose which is okay but not my favorite. I’ve used eco-styler gel for years I heard it may be bad for you but honestly it’s the best. 

After all my products are in I like to let my hair air dry in twist for about two days then I rock my curls for about a week. 

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